
How to Create Success with Ease...

It is said that nature abhors a vacuum, meaning that wherever there is 'nothing' nature creates 'something' to fill the gap/ vacuum, or... wherever there is excess, balance is restored.

Yet, there is much for us to learn from this balancing mechanism of Nature when we embrace its guiding principles.. and work within its laws.

As we are now collectively understand (with the impact of global warming) nature always reverts to balance, always. Now, we can either work in harmony with these profound and elemental laws or we can continue to suffer the consequences of our own ignorance. Nature is abundant. However, she can also be cruel (when we don't pay attention to and abide by her laws).

And, one of Nature's prime laws is the "Law of Abundance".

The law of abundance states that, "Everything that we can possibly want and/ or need already exists in energetic form. All we have to do (as sentient beings) is BE in alignment with "it" (whatever that "it" is for us as individuals). In short, whatever we believe we can achieve.

Another way to think about this law is, "Whatever we continually think about, we get".

OK, well, that sounds simple enough now doesn't it? But, how do you do this? How do you create own reality, your heart's desire? How do you manifest exactly what you want in your life?

Well, as with all things life there are always "steps" you can follow, a blueprint to follow...

So, let's say you wanted to experience being wealthy.
Now, I realize that not everyone wants to be extremely wealthy. Many just don't want the responsibilities, the so-called pressures of extreme wealth, so they find (what they consider to be an appropriate level of comfort/contentment in their mental-emotional nature) and then unconsciously turn the (wealth) supply valve to off... without ever consciously realizing this.

So, the first principle is that we all get to experience the (conscious and subconscious) decisions we make in life. We need to accept responsibility for our own (existing) circumstances in life, and know that we "made" it. The good news is that whatever we have 'made' we can 'unmake' too.

So, the first step to freedom using the law Of abundance is to agree WITH the core principle of it, which is that "life is abundant". If abundance is not something you have experienced in life then this first "step" may well be a leap of faith for you right now. This statement may well anger you. However, if you truly want change in your life there's some erroneous thinking you need to change first-up.

Begin to accept the truth that you have already been given everything you want (in energetic form)... and that all you have to do now is claim it.

When you consciously decide to do this your consciousness increasingly aligns with the law of abundance. You then take on the energy, power, and force of the creative principle in nature. You become an open channel for abundance.

So, do you suddenly become rich in this phenomenal mind-created world? Well, no... not exactly. There's a lot of previous (out of alignment) negative thoughts between the you that's wanting this abundance now, and the you who has taken you to the place that you are currently in financially. There's some mental 'catch up' needing to be done here for you to begin operating in harmony with the law of abundance.

However, what will take place as you work toward acquiring this mental and emotional alignment with this law is that your partial (or limited agreement and acceptance) will gradually move you towards complete alignment with your goal of experiencing wealth.

What happens is this, a light (ever-increasing in its brilliance) is being turned on your consciousness. Ideas will begin to fly to this light like moths. These ideas are in the form of helpful solutions, actions to take to bring about relief in your situation. Then, once your fear has been quieted down through purposeful activity, your creative mind takes the next step and begins to connect you with the people, places, situations, and conditions to bring more of this already-present abundance into your life.

From there you continue your upward climb until the gifts of this law are fully realized.

Initially your complete agreement and acceptance of the law will begin to create what will seemingly appear to you to be miracles. Your life will begin to become dramatically different with cause moving directly into effect, mind into manifestation. This is how the law of abundance works.

Then, you too, will begin to experience this wonder-state of abundance in your life. It's a completely different way of being in the world.